Collection: Calamondins

Calamondins, or as they are sometimes called in the Philippines; calamansi or calamonding are believed to be a natural hybrid, parented with the more familiar kumquat, and more than likely Chinese in origin. The peel is thin and smooth, and when fully ripe, bright orange. The flesh is orange, juicy and and very acid. These miniature orange-like fruits have a strong tart flavor that is often used in Thai cooking and can be used in place of lemon. You can use calamondin puree in cake recipes, and they make an excellent fruit for making marmalade.

When are Calamondins available?

**Calamondins are (typically) available most of the year HOWEVER…due to high demand of Calamondins, your order will be shipped to you based upon their availability at the time you place your order.

A message about the Specialty Citrus we sell... As growers of only the highest quality California Oranges and Pomelos, we understand what makes the best citrus! We have developed relationships with other talented and wonderful citrus growers around our local area in California, this allows us to obtain only the best and carefully grown specialty citrus anywhere!

Unless Otherwise Stated, Prices Do NOT Include Shipping & Handling Charges!

Shipping Is Included on 5 lbs. Calamondin Orders

Pre-Order Now For Late February/Early March Delivery!