LOVE Graphic

..."your favorite name in citrus."

Use Coupon Code: LUCKY for 15% OFF* all 10, 20 & 35lb. orders of Premium, Choice & Juice Grade orders during the month of March!

*offer cannot be combined with any other coupon code(s) and excludes all monthly programs and offers with shipping included. Does not apply to shipping charges. 

Why Buy Oranges From Pearson Ranch?

When you’re ready to buy California Oranges, our Love® Premium Oranges from Pearson Ranch are grown in the heart of “The Orange Belt” of The San Joaquin Valley, California.
Tended to by our own farming crew with years of experience, our oranges are expertly farmed, with caring hands, Irrigated by deep well water obtained from run off from the mighty Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, and raised under the famous “California Sunshine." Add to that our 100% satisfaction guarantee, and you have citrus that's truly special. When you buy California Oranges from Pearson Ranch, you know they are always going to be sweet and juicy and farm fresh. Get wonderful California Citrus shipped right to your door, and you too will fall in LOVE with the citrus that has been defining the way people have been buying oranges online SINCE 1998!

How Do We Sell Such Great Specialty Citrus?

As growers of only the highest quality California Navel Oranges and Pink
Pomelos, we understand what goes into raising the the best citrus! Over time, we have
developed special relationships, and partnered with other talented and
wonderful citrus growers around our local area in California. This
allows us to source and ship you only the finest and expertly grown
specialty citrus anywhere!

Questions? Call Us Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Pacific/California Time 559-784-9000. We Know Citrus!

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